Steam powered timepiece drop rate
Steam powered timepiece drop rate

« lessĪ condensate draining system is described for a temperature regulated, steam operated heat exchanger having a steam compartment, a steam inlet and a steam condensate outlet. This was the most important contribution in lowering the plant energy costs. It saved $180,000 over the previous year in energy expenditures. It has provided them with a complete inventory and status report of the 600 traps plantwide. The maintenance management has been pleased with the results and recommendations of the program. This condition causes condensate to back up and reduce efficiency. These traps do not allow the flow of steam or condensate to pass through the orifice. There were also benefits from fixing the failed closed traps which were out of service at the time of the survey. It was determined that approximately 3919 lb/hr of steam could be saved by repairing the failed open traps and implementing the report's recommendations.


The basic program included location and tagging of all steam traps survey and inspection of steam trap population development of a trap map and full computer analysis of collected data. In the fall of 1983, the annual yearly inspection more » of steam traps was supplanted with an independent trap survey service, specializing in detecting the malfunctioning of various types of steam traps. Five different applications of steam usage can be broken down as follows: steam tracing (56%) drip (21%) comfort heating (18%) tank coil (4%) and process (1%). There are five different operating pressures throughout the plant ranging from 15-175 psig, including 30, 65, and 120 psig. Some 17 different models of traps are used with 33 piping configurations. The plant has 600 steam traps manufactured by ten different companies. At this location, the cost of steam had skyrocketed to $5.30 per million Btu. The Reichhold Chemical plant is located in Elizabeth, NJ.

Steam powered timepiece drop rate